
What’s the difference between ePDQ Direct link and the ePDQ off-site method plugins?

Here at We are AG, we offer two types of ePDQ WooCommerce payment plugins, the Barclaycard ePDQ Direct Link for WooCommerce and the Barclays ePDQ payment gateway (Barclaycard) for WooCommerce.
In this guide, we’ll compare the two to see which one is best suited for your requirements.

Barclaycard ePDQ Direct Link for WooCommerce

  • This plugin is currently priced at $169.
  • Also known as the on-site gateway, which means that the payment is taken on the website giving the customer a better user experience (UX).
  • This version has multi-currency support also (an extra ePDQ account is needed for this).
  • With this version, you/your client MUST be SAQ A-EP complaint / PCI compliant.

Barclays ePDQ payment gateway (Barclaycard) for WooCommerce

  • This plugin is currently priced at $79 (cheaper compared to the version above).
  • This version is what we call an offsite gateway, which means that the customer is sent to Barclay’s server to make the payment., this option is quite popular as it limits the PCI requirements as payment is taken off-site.
  • Here’s a quick introduction video on how this method works.
  • It only requires SAQ A (This is the easiest option for most merchants) compliance.

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