
How to Manually Refund Orders – Utilizing ePDQ’s RFS and ANR functions for Authorization Orders

There are some use cases where you will need to refund some of your orders manually and this guide will help you with how you can proceed in doing so.

How to process the refund manually from the back office?

1. Log in to your ePDQ back office.

2. Once logged in, go to Operations > View Transactions (select the date for this order).

3. You will then see the order list. From there, find the order > look for the RFS(Refund/Delete Payment) column and you should see a tick box (if the order is available for refund)> tick the box > click the “process selection button”, then your refund should go through successfully.

What if the RFS column’s tick box is not available?

The RFS column tick box will not be available if the payment has not been captured yet. If payment has not been captured, ePDQ has not taken the funds for the order, this is the reason why you are unable to refund the order. Like the image below:

This often happens while using Authorization operation mode. If you would like to review the difference between Authorization and Sale, check out our short guide about this – What is operation mode?

The authorization operation mode will require the merchant to authorize and capture the payment (manually) from the back office. A common issue while using the authorization operation is when a merchant tries to refund the amount from the WordPress dashboard while the payment has not been authorized and captured which results in “Error: Overflow in refund”.

In such cases, the money remains in the customer’s account until a data capture (payment request) has been performed. Instead of using the RFS function, you can utilize the ANR column’s tick box (Authorization cancellation) functionality in order to cancel the authorization and return the funds to the customer. To do so, simply follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your ePDQ back office.

2. Once logged in, go to Operations > View Transactions (select the date for this order).

3. You will then see the order list. From there, find the order > look for the ANR (Authorization cancellation) column and you should see a tick box > tick the box > click the “process selection button”.

Feel free to submit a support ticket if you have additional questions regarding this and our support team will be glad to assist you with it.

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