We understand that sometimes plans change, and you may decide to cancel your subscription renewal for your We are AG products. While we’ll be sad to see you go, you can easily do this from your We are AG account by following these simple steps:
Access your account by visiting https://weareag.co.uk/account and logging in with your credentials.
Once logged in, click on Renewals & Billing. A list of products associated with your account will be displayed, as shown in the image below:
Click on the current payment method for the product you’d like to cancel the renewal for. A window will appear on the right-hand side, displaying the payment method details. To cancel the auto-renewal, click on the “Cancel Auto-Renew” button.
We hope you’ve enjoyed using our products and services, and we’ll be here if you decide to come back in the future. By following these simple steps, you can easily cancel the subscription renewal for your We are AG products from your account.
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