
The ‘CPI emulator’ will be deprecated on 31 July 2021, would your ePDQ plugin still work?

You might have received an email from the ePDQ team concerning the fact that the ePDQ system may be reliant on their old CPI (Cardholder Payment Interface) – via an emulator. Basically, “the ‘CPI emulator’ will be deprecated on 31 July 2021, meaning it will no longer be used for accepting online payments after this date. This is primarily because the CPI Emulator is unable to support a number of the new regulatory changes affecting all payment gateways and online businesses as part of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) regulatory and compliance changes coming into effect in 2021.

Would our ePDQ plugin still work on your site even after the CPI emulator has been deprecated?

Yes, you should still be able to process payments with our ePDQ plugin. In the first place, our plugin uses the latest ePDQ system and our plugins have never supported the old CPI emulator. Rest assured that the deprecation of the CPI emulator shouldn’t affect your site from processing ePDQ payments.

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