If you’d like to enable Direct HTTPS – server to server on your ePDQ back-office account, and if your site is hosted on WPEngine, you’ll have experienced error 403s logs on requests is being processed between ePDQ and WPEngine.
WPEngine has a server block in the default Nginx config, 403s requests from specific bot user agents, including Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library).
To get around this server-level block, WPEngine needs to allow both Mozilla/3 & Indy Library separately, rather than in one request like such:
set $ua1 0;
set $ua2 0;
if ($http_user_agent ~* “Mozilla/3”) { set $ua1 “1”;}
if ($http_user_agent ~* “Indy Library”) {set $ua2 “1”;}
set $uacomb “$ua1:$ua2”;
if ($uacomb = “1:1”) {break;}
You can reach out to the WPEngine support team and have them apply this request.
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