

Welcome to the setup guide.

To get this plugin setup will only take around 30 mins; this guide will be broken down into steps. You must first do a test transaction using the test ePDQ account. The ePDQ team will supply you with two logins, one for test and the other for live. You can get to both the test and live logins from here.

It is always best practice when setting up a payment gateway to do this in test mode first and run several orders before switching to live mode.

Getting Ready

Before diving in, make sure you have:

  • An active Barclaycard ePDQ merchant account. Don’t have one yet? Get in touch with Barclaycard to set it up.
  • Access to the backend of your WooCommerce website.

Step 1 – Plugin settings.

Install the plugin & activate the license key; once this is done, you want to navigate to the plugin settings page; this can be found in the WooCommerce settings:

WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > ePDQ Direct Link Checkout

The key items here for the setup are in the red boxes.


These settings will need to be matched with what you enter in the ePDQ back office.

Step 2 – Login to the test ePDQ back office.

The next set of items are done in the ePDQ back office; you can log in to the test account here. Once logged in, you need to navigate to the technical settings area. It is important to note that whatever changes to make in the test account, you must match in the live account.

From this area, we have access to all the sections we need to change/edit.


As mentioned in the welcome section above, it’s important to make sure you use the plugin in test mode and use the ePDQ test account; linking the plugin in test mode to the live ePDQ account will not work.

How to know if you are using the ePDQ test account? When you have logged in, look at the Barclaycard logo. To the right of it, you will see TEST in red like this:

If you don’t have access to the test account, you/your client will need to email the ePDQ team here: and ask for logins again. It’s also important to note that if the ePDQ account is new, you won’t be able to switch to live mode until you have done several test orders and applied to go live (You will see the option on the main ePDQ Home screen).

From this point, and as you are using the test key and credentials from your test account, please ensure that you also set up the plugin’s option in WooCommerce >> Settings >> Payment >> ePDQ Direct Link Checkout settings, labeled as “Test Mode” to be enabled/checked:

Step 3 – Global transaction parameters.

In this section, you need to decide which operation mode you want to run the payment gateway.

Choosing the operation mode for your site

You need to decide which operation mode you want to run the payment gateway for your business. This is done through the backend of WordPress.
In WooCommerce >> Settings >> Payments >> ePDQ Direct Link Checkout

Based on these two options, you can choose between two default operation codes:

  1. Authorization: a pre-authorization transaction that reserves funds on a customer’s credit card. Authorize Only does not charge the card until you perform a Completion (Ticket Only) transaction and/or confirm shipment of the order (using an option available in Reports). Note that authorization reserves funds for varying periods, depending on the issuing card company’s policy. We strongly suggest that you confirm shipment as soon as possible after authorization.You can read more about how to process transactions for this operation mode from our guide – How To Process Pre-authorization Payments for ePDQ Direct
  2. Sale:  this is the most common transaction type which immediately charges a customer’s card or bank account.

If you are unsure what to enable, ask your client what they have been using, most users enable the sale method, but it is down to how the business operates.

Step 4 – Create an API user.

This section will create the API user, which the plugin will use to make API payment calls to the ePDQ system. You will need to go to Configuration > Users.

Kindly ensure that the UserID, and the User’s name that you will set is the same.

Some accounts are restricted to access this area, and if your account happens to be one of them and does not have an access to this option within the back office, please contact the ePDQ support team for assistance.

Here we want to add a new user; clicking the new user button shows us the following:

The most important element here is the tick box in the red box. This will make this new user work with the API.

Enter in your desired UserID, User’s name, and email address.

You will need to enter your password, the one you signed in with. Once you do that, you will set this new API user’s password on another screen.

It’s important that for the API user passwords, please do use numbers and letters and no special characters used by the ePDQ system like £ since the ePDQ system will not allow this. The ePDQ system will not accept special characters that are used in code (e.g. £) to prevent someone from injecting bad code and compromising accounts. Alternatively, you could use a symbol like the exclamation mark !. An example password would be something like November5!. We recommend using another and more secure password as this is just an example that you could follow.

Step 5 – Global security parameters.

In this section, we pick and match the SHA encryption method we set in the plugin settings.

We recommend using SHA-256 or SHA-512.

Step 6 – Data and origin verification.

The next item here is the SHA-IN; this must match what you have in the plugin settings. We recommend that you use letters and numbers only in this setting and that it has a maximum of 16 characters. You should follow the NCSC guidance on choosing and storing passwords. from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). You cannot use ^, {, }, [, ], “, ‘, |, <, or >.

Image 2020-02-13 at 6.12.58 PM

You only need to place the ‘SHA-IN pass phrase’ field under the ‘Checks For Barclaycard Direct Link’ section.

Step 7 – Transaction feedback.

Again, in this section, we have only two items. The first one is to make sure that the tick box labeled “I would like to receive transaction feedback parameters on the redirection URLs.” is ticked.

Without this ticked, the ePDQ system won’t send data back to the website. This means you will get orders with pending payment and then fail. This is an important setting.

As a note, there should be nothing in the four fields above this tick box; the plugin will do all the hard work of setting these URLs on its own.

Next is to make sure to untick the box labeled “I would like Barclaycard to display a short text to the customer on the secure payment page if a redirection to my website is detected immediately after the payment process.”

The next item here is the SHA-OUT; you will need to scroll down a little to see the option.

Again, this must match what you have set in the plugin settings; we recommend that you use letters, numbers and it should also have a maximum of 16 characters. You should follow the NCSC guidance on choosing and storing passwords. from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). You cannot use ^, {, }, [, ], “, ‘, |, <, or >.

The final item here is parameters, which will be sent back to the website.

You  only want the following in the selected section:








Step 8 – 3D Secure.

This is very important if you sell products to EU customers. From 14 September 2019, all EU (Brexit does not affect this) credit card transactions could be rejected if your store does not have 3D secure setup.

With the enforcement of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) & Payment Services Directive (PSD), it is important to get the ePDQ back-office set up and ready; thankfully, this is quite simple. Navigate to

Advanced > Fraud detection

And you will see something like the following:

The key here is to ensure that 3D secure is active on the card brands you wish to use on the website.

Step 9 – Test, Test & test.

Well done, you have now finished the setup of the plugin! Now the important thing to do is test the payment gateway a few times before going live.

If you have any errors/issues, you first want to check the ePDQ error log section.

In the description field, you will most likely find an error code, something like unknown order/1/r. If you do, you can have a look here at the troubleshooting error codes. There you will find out what the issues are and what is needed to fix them.

If you are still having issues, then enable the plugins debug log in the settings.

Run some test transactions, and if the plugin finds something wrong with the plugin setup, it will log this and tell you how to fix this; you can find the log by going here:

WooCommerce > Status > Logs

Here we can see the log saying that transaction is confirmed, no issues found.

If you have more questions regarding the setup, please feel free to contact us and let our support team know about it, and we’ll be glad to help.

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