Retired WooCommerce Plugins

Our Archive of Retired WooCommerce Plugins

At We are AG, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional support and advanced payment plugins tailored for WooCommerce. As part of our continuous pursuit of excellence, we occasionally retire certain plugins to introduce more innovative and effective solutions. This dedicated page offers insights into the lifecycle of our retired WooCommerce plugins and the reasons behind their phased-out status.

Our Retired Plugins

Here is a list of the WooCommerce plugins we have retired. While these plugins have been instrumental in our journey, they have made way for newer, more advanced technologies..

Plugin Name Retirement Date
Ingenico ePayments Ogone Direct Link for WooCommerce 07/02/2024
WestPay for WooCommerce 13/12/2023
AG WooCommerce PostFinance e-Payment Gateway 13/12/2023
2Checkout Hosted For WooCommerce 13/12/2023
AG Adyen HPP – WooCommerce Gateway 01/10/2022

Why We Retire Plugins

We retire plugins for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Technological Advancements: New technologies often outpace older plugins, necessitating their retirement.
  • Changes in WooCommerce Core: Evolutions in WooCommerce’s core sometimes require different functionalities that older plugins can’t provide.
  • Development of Superior Alternatives: Our commitment to innovation leads us to develop more efficient, secure, and feature-rich plugins.
  • Decreased User Demand: We retire plugins that no longer meet the changing needs of our customer base.
  • Retirement of External APIs: Sometimes, the Payment Service Providers (PSPs) we collaborate with retire certain APIs that our plugins depend on. This retirement is beyond our control and necessitates the discontinuation of plugins reliant on those APIs.

Support for Retired Plugins

Please note that these retired plugins are no longer actively maintained or supported. However, we understand they might still be in use on some websites. If you’re using one of these retired plugins and need assistance, please contact us, and we’ll do our best to help on a case-by-case basis.

Looking for Alternatives?

We encourage you to explore our current range of WooCommerce plugins, designed with the latest technology and features to enhance your e-commerce experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use a retired plugin?

Yes, but they are no longer updated or supported, which might pose risks.

Will there be security updates for retired plugins?

Unfortunately, we do not provide security updates for retired plugins.

What should I do if I’m currently using a retired plugin?

We recommend migrating to a current plugin that offers similar or improved functionality.

We’d Love to Hear from You

Your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our retired plugins, please contact us.

Stay Updated

We periodically review and update our plugin offerings. Keep visiting this page for the latest information on retired WooCommerce plugins from We are AG.


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