
Why do orders fail 3D secure and how do you identify the error?

This is a short guide on how you can check why orders fail 3D secure. 3D secure failures will happen from time to time and while this is not appealing for some users but it’s here to protect customers and merchants. The reasons vary when this error returns within an order, but one thing is for sure about this and it’s the fact that it is connected to how the authentication fails relating to 3D Secure.

To give you an example, let’s say “Customer Bob” purchased a product on your website. However, looking at the WooCommerce > Orders > View the specific order, it says that it failed –

Image 2021-09-28 at 6.32.26 PM

Upon checking the order notes ( while on the order page > navigate to the right-hand side of the screen), you might be seeing errors like the ones below that say “3D SECURE AUTHENTICATION FAILED”.

Image 2021-09-28 at 6.34.01 PM


To pinpoint the reason of the 3D Secure authentication failed error, you will need to login to your Tyl By Natwest’s back office:

Step 1
Log into the Virtual Terminal and select ‘Reports’ > ‘3-D Secure’

Step 2

Specify the report required (by order number/date etc.) and select ‘Submit Query’


Step 3

Once the required report has been generated select ‘Export All Data’


This will then generate a CSV file to Excel and you will be able to locate the ‘transStatusReason’ code within the column ‘M’.

Please see the meanings of the ‘transStatusreason’ field below:

Here is a list for more information on each of the transStatusReason field’s specified values:

Value Scheme Description
01 All Card authentication failed.
02 All Unknown device.
03 All Unsupported device.
04 All Exceeds authentication frequency limit.
05 All Expired card.
06 All Invalid card number.
07 All Invalid transaction.
08 All No card record.
09 All Security failure.
10 All Stolen card.
11 All Suspected fraud.
12 All Transaction not permitted for cardholder.
13 All Cardholder not enrolled in service.
14 All Transaction timed out at ACS.
15 All Low confidence.
16 All Medium confidence.
17 All High confidence.
18 All Very high confidence.
19 All Exceeds ACS maximum challenges.
20 All Non-payment transaction not supported.
21 All 3RI transaction not supported.
22 All ACS technical issue.
23 All Decoupled Authentication required by ACS but not requested by 3DS Requestor.
24 All 3DS Requestor decoupled max expiry time exceeded.
25 All Decoupled Authentication was provided insufficient time to authenticate cardholder. ACS will not make attempt.
26 All Authentication attempted but not performed by the cardholder.
80 Visa Error connecting to ACS.
80 Mastercard Returned on all Data Only authentications.
81 Visa ACS timed out.
81 Mastercard Challenge exemption accepted.
82 Visa Invalid response from ACS.
82 Mastercard Challenge Mandate requested but could not be performed.
83 Visa System Error response from ACS.
84 Visa VMID not eligible for requested program.
85 Visa VMID not eligible for requested program.
86 Visa Protocol version not supported by ACS
87 Visa Transaction is excluded from Attempts Processing (includes non- reloadable pre-paid cards and non-payments (NPA)).
88 Visa Requested program not supported by ACS.


What do you do with this information?

The recommended approach is to reach out to Tyl By Natwest’s support team via email – and have them look into the error code in detail so that they can further advise you of the next steps.


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