
What Pay 360 account should I use?

Is my Pay360 account compatible with your plugin?

Pay360 is a leading online payment provider, our Pay360 plugin focuses on the hosted cashier API. This means you don’t expose your website to PCI compliance problems. Your Pay360 account must have the Hosted Cashier installation, you’ll receive the API details that are included in an email from Pay360 when you first sign up with them.
You can contact Pay360 support using this link.

What if I have a legacy Pay360 account(Secpay)?

I’m afraid that Pay360 legacy accounts are not compatible with our plugin as it would not provide the Hosted Cashier installation id number thus not having it configured on the plugin settings would not allow any transactions to be processed.

Can I upgrade my legacy Pay360 account(Secpay)?

As of the publish date of this article. Legacy Pay360 accounts can not be updated and the only way is to cancel the pay360 account is to sign up for a new one.
It’s best to contact the Pay360 support team for a more updated answer.

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