
Deactivate a license

Deactivating the license from WordPress dashboard

Hey there! If you need to deactivate a license for any reason, it’s a piece of cake! Just follow these simple steps from within your WordPress admin area:

  1. Find the AG plugins section in your admin sidebar and give it a click.
  2. Next, hit the Manage License & Billing button.
  3. Now, just click on Deactivate License.

All done! You’ll see a prompt asking you to upgrade the plugin. If you need another license, you can grab one here. If not, you can either ignore the prompt or remove the plugin from this installation.

Happy deactivating!

Deactivating the license from your We are AG Account

Oops! Lost access to your site and need to deactivate a license? Don’t worry! You can do this right from your We are AG Accounts page. Just follow these easy steps, and you’ll have it deactivated in no time:

  1. Hop on over to the We are AG Accounts page and log in to your account.
  2. Once you’re in, click on “Licenses” and look for the license you want to deactivate. Then, simply hit the “Deactivate” button to proceed with the deactivation process.

And that’s it! By following these steps, you can deactivate your license even if you don’t have access to your site’s WordPress dashboard. We hope this helps!



Guess what? Reactivating your license after deactivation is super easy! Just follow this simple step from within your WordPress admin area:

  1. Head back to the Manage License section under AG plugins in your admin sidebar.
  2. Give the Activate License button a click, and you’re all set!

That’s it! Your license is now active again, and you’re ready to continue enjoying the benefits of your AG plugin. Happy reactivating!

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