
Process refunds for Adyen HPP

For businesses, it’s important to have the ability to process refunds if a customer requests them.

There are two ways in which you can process refunds on Adyen HPP.

#1 Process refunds via the Adyen HPP – Customer’s Area

You can process refunds on your Adyen HPP account. To do this, simply login to either your test or production Adyen HPP account and kindly follow the guide here.

If you have any questions about processing refunds, we would highly recommend contacting the Adyen support team and they’ll be more than happy to respond to your concern.

#2 Process refunds via WooCommerce

Step 1 – Plugin settings

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > AG Adyen HPP  > Manage and place the credentials of your account as seen below:

Image 2020-05-06 at 6.29.52 PM

Note: Please do keep in mind to follow the username format. The username format is ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount]

Step 2 – Processing the refund

Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders and then select the order that you wish to refund.

Click the ‘Refund’ button, and then additional fields would display.

Image 2020-05-06 at 6.38.43 PM

Set the quantity and then click Refund via AG Adyen HPP, and after a few seconds, the order should have been refunded successfully.

Image 2020-05-06 at 6.40.30 PM

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