
AG Barclaycard ePDQ Direct link version 2.1.9 changes

We have made major improvements/changes to our ePDQ Direct link plugin and with version 2.1.9.

Once you update to this version, your ePDQ Direct Link plugin would auto disable from the checkout page, and you would need to place the SHA-IN passphrase on your ePDQ back-office account under the ‘Check for Barclaycard Direct Link’ section to process transactions again. Previously, we had the SHA-IN passphrase to be added under the ‘Checks for e-Commerce & Alias Gateway,’ but we had to change it for our improvements.

To do this, navigate from your ePDQ BackOffice account > Configuration > Technical information > Data and origin verification > Checks for Barclaycard Direct Link and place your SHA-IN passphrase on the SHA-IN passphrase field. Make sure to save your changes.

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Make sure that the SHA-IN passphrase matches the SHA-IN on your plugin settings and that we recommend that you use letters and numbers only in this setting and that it has a maximum of 16 characters.

You only need to place the ‘SHA-IN pass phrase’ field under the ‘Checks For Barclaycard Direct Link’ section.

Once you dismiss(hide) the admin notice and the gateway will start to work again just like normal.


What if there is an error?

That’s a bit unfortunate, but all problems in this world can eventually be fixed. Please contact our support and one of our friendly support team members will sort out these issues for you.

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Barclaycard ePDQ Direct Link

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