
How to process refunds via WooCommerce

For businesses, it’s important to have the ability to process refunds if a customer requests them. We have included the feature to process the refunds from your WooCommerce Order dashboard. Below are the steps on how to do it.

Step 1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders and then select the order that you wish to refund.


Step 2. Scroll down and click the ‘Refund’ button, then additional fields would display.


Step 3. Set the quantity then click Refund via AG OPP CopyandPAY, and in a few seconds or so, the order will be refunded successfully.
Order notes for a successful refund:


What if there is an error?

That’s a bit unfortunate, but all problems in this world can eventually be fixed. Please do take a look at our Troubleshooting Guide, and hopefully, this would resolve the issue for you, or better yet, you could also contact our support, and one of our friendly support team members will sort out these issues for you.

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